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Saturday, February 9, 2013

King Richard III faced Handsome but porous

Dexter     3:27 AM  No comments

King Richard III a skull recently discovered in a parking lot in Leicester, UK, it has a porous accent. Scientists recently revealed accents king who died in battle of Battle of Bosworth was 500 years ago.
Philip Shaw, a professor of English at the University of Leicester, who conducted the study, said the accent is determined grammar and spelling in letters to Richard III is still stored. At that time, the grammar and spelling reflects the dialect.
One of the letters was analyzed and is the oldest dating from 1469, before Richard III becomes king. In the letter, Richard III requested a loan of 100 pounds to tackle the problem in Yorkshire to Sir John Say, Chancellor of Duchy of Lancaster at the time.
Richard write your own letter with a pen. Christian Science Monitor reported on Tuesday (02/05/2013), one sentence in the letter containing the request, Richard III wrote, "Fail me not in this time of my great need."
The second letter comes from the year 1483. Richard III sent a letter to the Prime Minister, said that the area of ​​the Duke of Buckingham challenge his rule. He requested a special stamp for official documents. He also requested the Prime Minister to come personally, promised subdue Buckingham.
Shaw said, Richard III accent sounds porous certain areas in the UK. "For me, his accent sounds associated with the West Midlands." The region is located in the western part of the UK, covering the city of Birmingham.
According to Shaw, Richard III accent is much different from the current British complimentary cooked though. If you read the letter, it is easy to pronounce words in the English language today. However, it is difficult to speak in a British accent 500 years ago.
"You realize the word 'say' and 'pray', which has the sound 'a', which we call a diphthong. Voice has liukan from 'a' to 'e', ​​so it glides from one sound to another. Richard pronounce vowels perfectly there, so say 'saa' and 'Praa', "said Shaw.
Shaw said, accents Richard III may be also available in London. It marks the educated accent. Findings related to Richard III's sound is an interesting one after the king's face it successfully reconstructed. Richard III turned out to be a handsome king.


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