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Saturday, February 9, 2013

7 Skills TI's Most Wanted in 2013

Dexter     4:23 AM  No comments

workforce needs in the field of information technology is believed to remain high in 2013.However, with many programming languages, platforms, protocols, and other technologies, it is very difficult to know which one to learn.Therefore, it would be better if you know in advance what the technology trends that will be much sought after companies in the year 2013.Well, based on surveys and a variety of other data sources, the following seven skills that are likely to be sought in 2013, as quoted from ReadWrite.

1. Everything related to cloud computing (cloud computing) 

In 2013, cloud computing will still be a trend in the world of enterprise IT. This is evident from the high demand for employees who understand cloud computing technology.Specifically, many companies will look for developers (developers) software that has the capability in terms of virtualization, Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), and is also familiar with Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS).According to the survey, 25 percent of respondents plan to take the company's employees with the ability of SaaS and cloud computing in 2013. In general, the SaaS and virtualization will be a lot mentioned in job search sites.

2. IT Project Manager 

Not all jobs in the IT world related to technical matters. Making the program, maintaining infrastructure, and software design is important, but it would be useless if no one keeps track project to complete. Therefore, it is not surprising that 40 percent of executives in the IT field are looking for managers in year 2013.

3. JavaScriptIn making this site, HTML and CSS are important. HTML is the language behind the making of the site. While CSS is a programming language for the design of a site. Well, two things would not be complete with a JavaScript that can make things interactive.Companies now will want to make their websites interactive as possible. Therefore, it is not surprising that employees with the ability JavaScript to be much sought after in 2013.

4. Java/J2EE 

According to a survey conducted by Dice, Java and J2EE development platform will be one of the skills sought in 2013.Different from new technologies such as Android and HTML5, the need Java capability is actually stagnant from year to year, but this need started to increase lately.

5. PHP / MySQL 

PHP is beginning to fall from grace compared with mobile application development or a new kind of website programming technologies, such as HTML5. However, PHP is still considered important.Until now, this programming language has been used in more than 20 million websites and was behind the big sites, such as Facebook and Wikipedia. Blog or site built using WordPress or Drupal also uses PHP.With many sites still use PHP, so natural that this capability is still much sought after in 2013.

6. iOS 

Increased sales of tablet devices and iOS-based smartphones made related jobs Apple's mobile operating system is also increased.Developing applications for the iPhone and iPad has become a trend in recent years, but a drastic increase is actually just happened in 2 years yesterday. The need for people who understand the iOS increased in 2011 and 2012.


What would the world be without HTML site? The programming language is what has been the basis for the site, with cascading style sheets (CSS) which managed to make the site look beautiful, and JavaScript to add interactive functionality.Very reasonable if the demand for employees with HTML skills to increase in 2013, given the starting number of sites that use this programming language.In fact, the importance of a site will also continue to increase, along with the development of tablet devices, smartphones, and cloud-based services. Consumers still need a website to access the SaaS services that exist in the cloud. In addition, from a study, it is known that many tablet users still like to access the site.Currently, the web programming language HTML5 has reached. The language was already supported by the latest version of your browser.While the language of CSS website design program has reached version 3.


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