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Saturday, February 9, 2013

Ancestors Indonesia Madagascar Population

Dexter     3:12 AM  No comments

A recent study published in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B, Wednesday (21/03/2012), said that the Indonesian people are the ancestors of Madagascar. The conclusion was reached after a scientist from Massey University in New Zealand, Murray Cox, DNA analysis of Indonesia and Madagascar (Malagasy called).
In research, Cox took the DNA samples of 2,745 people from 12 Indonesian islands and 266 ethnic Malagasy, consisting of Mikea, Vezo, and Andriana Merina. The study focuses on Mitochondrial DNA, the type of DNA contained in a cell organelle function to produce energy. DNA is inherited through the mother.
Research shows that 22 percent of the samples had DNA patterns Polynesia, Polynesian tribal traits but rarely found in western Indonesia. On one of the Malagasy tribes, the character is found in 1 out of 2 people.
"We think the early colonization (Madagascar) by a small group of women in Indonesia, approximately 30 people," said Cox said in Discovery, Wednesday today.
Women who colonized Madagascar still productive and has 93 percent of the genes associated with Indonesia. This finding may be surprising, but some archaeological evidence and linguistic support. In linguistics, a dialect similar to Indonesian Madagascar.
Other evidence, many derived from the lexicon Madagascar Ma'anyan used in the Barito basin, Kalimantan. In the meantime, there are some words like Javanese, Malay, and Sanskrit.
In archeology, colonization by Indonesia evidenced by the findings of the boat, iron tools, musical instruments such as xylophones, cutlery, as well as the cultivation of sweet potato, banana, and taro.
Is there an Indonesian man whose role in colonization of Madagascar? "We know the men and women of Madagascar came from Indonesia, we just do not know how many men. Evidence we have indicates that the amount is very small," added Cox was quoted as saying by LiveScience, today.
The theory states that the colonization of Madagascar before colonization is very well planned. Therefore, the island suitable for ports in the trade lane Africa to Eurasia.
With this discovery, Cox said, "We need to rethink a lot of things about how the colonized Madagascar."
Cox revealed that the colonization of Madagascar may happen by accident. This is supported by simulations of ocean currents and weather patterns of the monsoon.
During World War II, for instance, bombed wreck near Sumatra and Java can be carried up to Madagascar. The same thing can happen in the past sailors.
Responding to the results of this study, Matthew Hurles, researchers from the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, acknowledges the relationship between Indonesia and Madagascar.
He argues, "The Malagasy is 50:50 mix of two groups of ancestors, Indonesia and East Africa."


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