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Saturday, February 9, 2013

Apparently Mice Resembles Human Ancestors

Dexter     3:06 AM  No comments

During this time, animals were regarded as just a group of human primate ancestors. In fact, the tree of human origins is more complicated. Scientists have just revealed a new human ancestor turns morphology resembling rat.
The creature was discovered by the research for the past 6 years, involving morphological and genetic studies of modern and prehistoric fauna. Observed morphology of these organs, teeth, muscles, and even feather pattern.
Scientists focus group study with placental mammals, such as humans, gorillas, horses, and elephants. Group other than placental mammals is an encouraging masurpial embryos in the bag as well as a raise monotrem embryo in the egg.
In a publication in the journal Science on Thursday (07/02/2013), scientists revealed that the ancestors of human placental mammals that have four legs, a furry tail, and eating insects. Mammalian body weight was 6-245 grams and can move swiftly in the trees.
The study revealed that placental mammals began to appear 200,000 to 400,000 years after the extinction of the dinosaurs 65 million years ago. Previously, there were predictions that states placental mammals have evolved long before the extinction of the dinosaurs, when the world is still made up the old continent Gondwana.
"It's about 36 million years later than previous predictions based on genetic analysis," said Marcelo Weksler of the National Museum at the Federal University, Rio de Janeiro, which involved research, as quoted by LiveScience, Thursday.
This research proves that the extinction of dinosaurs plays an important role for the triumph of mammals. Since the extinction, mammals continued to evolve and diversify the range of the number of species reach 5100 today.
AFP reported on Thursday, the study is also very important to answer the big question now is, how mammals respond to climate change of the past and the ability to respond to climate change now.
One thing that is known today is increasingly complex human family tree. Human nature is derived from the characteristics of the animal before the primates. Who would have believed that the ancestors of the human form as a mouse?


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