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Saturday, February 9, 2013

Human Ancestors eaters Leather Tree

Dexter     3:11 AM  No comments

One of the human ancestor, Australopithecus sediba species are found in South Africa in 2008, it turns out eating tree bark and wood.
A recent study led by Amanda Henry of the Max Planck Institute of Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany, to uncover it. Research carried out by the analysis of fossilized teeth of plaque, called calculus, the Australopithecus sediba.
In more detail, the research analyzes the pattern of teeth, teeth and fragments of plants on the data of carbon isotopes. The results revealed that in addition to eating the fruit and foliage, the human ancestors also ate tree bark and even wood.
"We are for the first time successfully used three different methods to reconstruct diet and get a diet of human ancestors is quite good, and the picture we see a diet which is quite different from the hominins (human ancestors) more," said Henry.
"It was amazing, we saw there was more variation in this species, more than we expected before," Henry said as quoted by the BBC on Wednesday (27/06/2012).
Henry revealed that human ancestors spread in many areas with different habitat characteristics. Australopithecus sediba also walked on two legs, but presumably also climb trees.
"He was quite primitive, have brains that are very small, short and has long arms. But he certainly was related to us (the human species)," said Henry.
Louise Humphrey from the Natural History Museum in London said the diet of Australopithecus sediba is unique, making it appear that these creatures are indeed primitive. But, now there is a debate, whether the ancestors of the human species or a human cousin, the modern meaning.
Henry said, many people may reject the idea that human ancestors ate tree bark. But basically we can never know what they are eating. It could be eaten as part of the skin in the form of tree sap that contains sugar.
"So if you eat is sugar situp, which is the sap from the tree, then it could be a food that is very tasty," he said.


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