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Thursday, March 7, 2013

Moray, Heritage Unique Agricultural Land Incas

Dexter     5:25 AM  No comments

Strange Form of Agricultural Land Incas in Peru

 Building Incas civilization in Peru, seemingly exhausted fascinate tourists. In addition to Macchu Picchu, located about 50 km to the northwest of Cuzco and in the western village of Maras, the Andes, there is another archaeological site Incas, the Moray.
Moray is a relic of the Incas most amazing form and functionality. The building is shaped like a large bowl with the contour of the land of diminishing and is equipped with a concentric terraces. Thus, the building looks like a theater opens in Ancient Greece.
In a central, circular terraces are composed of the largest to the smallest size on the bottom. The terraces are composed up to depths of 150 meters. Cool, this area will not be flooded, even though it was raining very heavily.

One of the most remarkable of these sites is the temperature difference between the top and bottom. The difference in temperature is approximately 15 degrees Celsius. The temperature difference is also creating a microclimate in the area. Climate was used by the Incas to study the effects of different conditions on the plant.
There are also studies that show the soil and plant seeds on the terraces, imported from various regions. This research was reinforced when the patio Moray Inca used by scientists to experiment with the vegetables that will be disseminated throughout the Andes.

  nother unique thing that makes people curious is how the drainage system works through the conduit. Thus, the lowest part of the Moray will not flood despite persistent rain. It is important to note, that the bottom of the Moray formed of natural rock formations with pores that can filter the water.
agan agan coming, probably will never know for sure exactly why Moray purpose built. But its strange and interesting systems often makes many tourists visit there.


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